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Berecz István


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Bramshaw House Worthing

Idős gondozó otthon / lakóotthon (Egyesült Királyság)Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez


Bramshaw House provides residential care for a maximum of ten people with learning and physical disabilities.
Situated at 13, Shakespeare Road, Worthing, Bramshaw House is a converted building. It was refurbished by Progress Housing and opened in 2004. Bramshaw House provides residential care to 10 people with learning and physical disabilites. It has accommodation on 2 levels.

One person told us "This is the best home ever". Another said "They (staff) are like family".

There was a high level of engagement between people and staff. The home offered a wide variety of social and educational opportunities for people living at the home.

Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. The care given was relevant, up to date and person-centred. 

There was also evidence of good communication in the management of people's care between the home and external agencies. 

Progress Housing provides personalised residential care for adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and associated complex needs. 

Progress Housing is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide residential care at 3 homes located in the seaside town of Worthing, West Sussex. We have operated in Worthing since 2004 and have built an excellent reputation with service users' families, Social Services teams and external professionals.

Progress Housing is committed to the personal development of service users as individuals, offering each person the freedom and support necessary to achieve their potential.

All Progress Housing residential care homes are fully equipped to meet the needs of people with learning and physical disabilities. All the homes are fully wheelchair accessible and have passenger lifts, lowered food preparation areas, lowered light switches, accessible nurse call services, overhead hoists, en-suite facilities in every bedroom, wet floor showers, accessible gardens and vehicles adapted to accommodate people who travel in wheelchairs. All the homes are in residential areas and are within easy, level access walking distance of Worthing town centre and seafront.
  • Day Care
  • Independent Living Training
  • Own GP if required
  • Own Furniture if required
  • Pets by arrangement
  • Smoking not permitted
  • Close to Local shops
  • Near Public Transport
  • Minibus or other transport
  • Lift
  • Wheelchair access
  • Gardens for residents
  • Phone Point in own room/Mobile
  • Television point in own room
  • Learning Disability
  • Physical Disability
  • Asperger Syndrome
  • Autism/ASD
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Down Syndrome
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Prader-Willi Syndrome
  • Profound & Multiple Learning Disabilties
  • Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus
  • Visual Impairment
  • Single Rooms: 10
  • Rooms with ensuite WC: 10
Service users  are encouraged to have their say in how the homes are run. Each home has a monthly Service user meeting. New ideas and feedback on services are gathered through these and regular surveys. 

Each service user also has a monthly meeting with their key-worker to ensure their individual needs and preferences are met.Service users  at Progress Housing are encouraged and supported to take part in social, educational and leisure activities of their choice. Whatever a service user would like to do, or try for the first time, every effort is made to ensure the activity happens.

Activity Plans are drawn up on a weekly basis so that requests from service users and preferences are continually catered for.

Service users attend a wide variety of activities in the local community. These currently include college courses at Northbrook College, swimming (both at community pools and at a privately hired pool which has overhead hoisting facilities), horse-riding, sailing, bike-riding, bowling alleys, sessions at an interactive room , cinemas, theatres, pubs, cafes, evening activity clubs for adults with learning and physical disabilities, discos and football matches.

Service users are also supported on regular day trips to places of interest and theatre outings. Service users have attended concerts at the 02 and been in the audience of television programmes such as 'The X Factor' and 'Britain's Got Talent'.

Every service user is offered an annual holiday. Recent holidays have included visits to The Calvert Trust in Devon where the holidaymakers enjoyed activities such as climbing, abseiling and archery; CenterParcs where service users enjoyed a variety of activities and relaxing pampering sessions and EuroDisney, easily accessible from our location.

There are a variety of weekly in-house activities, including a Baking Club, a Social and Sensory Session, Pets as Therapy and Physical Fitness (run by an external Personal Fitness Instructor).

Visiting therapists provide Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Dramatherapy.

On a day to day basis service users are encouraged and supported to take part in domestic activities such as shopping, cooking, laundry and cleaning.


Település Worthing
Utca / házszám 13 Shakespeare Road
Telefonszám +441903238945
Telefonszám +441903232446
Alkategóriák Autism/ASD, Asperger Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Day Care, Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, Hearing/Speech/Visual Impairment, Learning Disability, Multiple Sclerosis, Privat, Physical Disability, Prader-Willi Syndrome, Profound & Multiple Learning Disabilties, Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus
Beruházást tervez az idősellátás szektorban? Ismeretlen a terület? Megalapozottan szeretne dönteni? Beruházás döntés-előkészítő tanulmány, üzleti terv.
  • Specifikus üzleti és gazdasági információk biztosítása
  • Üzleti partnerkeresés és közvetítés
  • Cégre szabott befektetési tanácsadás
  • Üzleti kultúrához kapcsolódó tanácsadás
  • Ügyfélmenedzsment
  • Pályázatokkal kapcsolatos tanácsadás
  • Kapcsolatok állami- és közigazgatási szervek felé
  • Kapcsolatok szakmai szervezetek és szövetségek felé
  • tanácsadás a szociális ellátórendszer szektoraihoz
  • magán egészségügyi részlegek kialakításának alapjai az idősellátásban
  • az idősellátásban dolgozó szakember képzésben való részvétel
  • Cégalapítási tanácsadás
  • Jogi tanácsadás és képviselet biztosítási
  • Pénzügyi szolgáltató választás tanácsadása
  • Pénzügyi és számviteli tanácsadás és szolgáltatás biztosítása
  • Cégképviselet infrastruktúrájának kiválasztása és biztosítása
  • Cégalapítás esetén HR folyamat biztosítása, menedzsment és munkavállalói szinten
  • Projektek szakmai előkészítésében és lebonyolításában tanácsadás, igény esetén komplett bonyolítás
  • minőségügyi rendszerek kidolgozásának előkészítése
  • mindenkori hatályos jogszabályok ismeretének adaptálása a létesítendő intézményhez

Eladó idősek otthona!

Keresünk és kínálunk

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Berecz István


Ambrosia Haus Nyugdíjas Apartmanház


BEFEKTETŐKNEK 500M HUF-tól Gyors megtérüléssel.

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Berecz István