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St. Theresa's Nursing Home Thurles

Ápolási otthon (Írország)Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez


St Theresa’s Nursing Home is a purpose built Healthcare facility, with only the best nurses and carers as members of our staff.
We are located on the Dublin Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. It is adjacent to all of the facilities of Thurles town and environs.
St. Theresa's Nursing Home is family owned and run. It has been at the centre of residential care in the community since its establishment in 1980. It is regarded as one of the best.
St. Theresa's is a 35 bed Nursing Home with en-suite, single and double rooms. Recently renovated and refurbished through-out, it is approved to HSE, VHI and BUPA Standards. It is also HIQA registered.
St. Theresa's can cater for both long term and short term Residents alike. Its central location in Thurles makes it an ideal setting for Residents and families.
Our ethos is "to care for a Resident as we would wish our own relative to be cared for". With over forty staff members, recruitment is very important to the quality of care offered in St. Theresa's. Our staff have been employed as much for their caring personalities as their expertise, professionalism and experience. They share their lives with the Residents and this leads to a great sense of community in our home.
St. Theresa's Nursing Home is an advocate of personal freedom. We have an open door policy encouraging Residents to go out for the day or overnight stays with family or friends. Residents are encouraged to interact with their families as much as possible and the staff will help with the planning of day trips or weekends away. We welcome family input in to the individual care of their relatives.
Care Facilities
St. Theresa's Nursing Home is approved by all of the major health care companies and the Nursing Home Support Scheme (Fair Deal). We provide:
  • Long Term Residential Care
  • Convalescent and Post Operative Care
  • Respite Care
  • Dementia Care
  • Palliative Care
First Impressions:
St. Theresa’s Nursing Home on the Dublin Road, Thurles is a superb location adjacent to all of the facilities and amenities of a major Irish town. Its situation is ideal for Residents to welcome visits by family and friends or for short out-door excursions for meals, socialising and relaxation to the renowned Anner Hotel which is in close proximity to St. Theresa's Nursing Home.
Our grounds, gardens and buildings are managed on a regular basis by professional staff to ensure the highest standards are maintained.
St. Theresa’s nursing and care staff are easily identifiable by Residents and visitors with their appropriate dress code, name and badge. They provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere and are continually interacting with Residents, family and friends.
Care of Living Area and Accommodation:
St. Theresa's Nursing Home is purpose built, and is designed with an easy flow. It is within easy walking and accessible distance of all areas including the nurses monitoring station. All hallways, doors and room accommodation are suitable for wheelchair and walker accessibility. The entire property is fashionably and thoughtfully decorated throughout. It is clean, secure, and appropriately heated. Bedrooms are fully furnished, though Residents are encouraged to bring in personal items for their own rooms.
Care for Personal and Health Services:
St. Theresa’s Nursing Home provides for short and long-term services with routine physical, dental and vision examinations. Each Resident is encouraged to retain the services of his/her own G.P. and this will be accommodated by the nursing home.
All housekeeping, personal laundry and linen services are provided on site. Staff are available to provide 24 hour assistance with all activities of daily living including dressing, eating, mobility, hygiene and grooming. Additionally services are available on request.
We have a clearly stated procedure in responding to medical emergencies with arrangements in place with nearby hospitals and emergencies services. We have an excellent emergency evacuation plan in place.
Social and Recreational Care:
We provide care in relation to social and recreational needs at St. Theresa’s Nursing Home. We have an in-house schedule of activities that are tailored to individual needs.. All religious denominations are catered for at our facility with some religious services held on a weekly basis. We schedule regular exercise classes and have organised programmes of music. Special occasions are always facilitated at St. Theresa’s Nursing Home.
Care prior to Moving In:
The process of moving to a nursing home can often be a difficult time for a person and family. At St. Theresa’s Nursing Home, it is caringly and expertly managed by Ann Fitzpatrick and the staff.
The initial assessment needs are completed with the person/family/care advisor either at St. Theresa's Nursing Home or Ann can arrange to meet at the person's home or hospital.
Food and Care:
All of our home made fresh food is sourced from locally sourced suppliers. It is prepared and served through-out the morning, day and evening. Three nutritional balanced meals are served from a varied menu from meal to meal with inputs and suggestion from Residents welcomed. Our designated dining room encourages residents to relax, socialise and enjoy their food. Meals and snacks are also served in bedrooms. Special diets are facilitated and the weights of our Residents are routinely monitored.
Certification and Licensure:
St. Theresa’s Nursing Home is a certified/licensed skilled nursing home facility with a home from home atmosphere. We have excellent inspection reports and a proud and long serving reputation for Nursing Home care in the community.
Residential Care
For those looking for long term care in a warm and friendly home, then St. Theresa's Nursing Home is for you as we provide a home from home for Residents.
With 24 Hour on-site Nursing Support and Care Attendants to help you in your daily needs, you can rest assured that you are in the best of hands with people who will care for you as they would their own family.
Located on the Dublin Road in Thurles Town it is also easily accessible for all your friends and family to visit.
Convalescent Care
For those in need of convalescence and post-operative care St. Theresa's Nursing Home provides the care and facilities needed to help them recover and regain their strength prior to returning home. Residents may stay as long as they wish and we offer a range of nursing and support services during this phase of recovery.
Alzheimers Care
We take pride in looking after a Resident using a holistic approach to his or her needs. Please feel free to contact the Matron with any queries you may have to the service we provide for those suffering from Alzheimers disease.
Some information in regards to Alzheimer's:
Up to 38,000 people in Ireland are affected by Dementia. Ageing is one of the single strongest risk factors for Alzheimer’s Disease, (the most common form of dementia).
Dementia is a general term used to describe a group of symptoms. These include impairment in memory, intellect, judgement, language, insight and a deterioration in social skills. The individual diagnosed with dementia may also demonstrate an acute sensitivity to his or her built and social environment and a high level of stress. While over 100 different diseases will produce the symptoms of dementia, it is known that Alzheimer’s Disease is by far the most common cause of dementia and accounts for more than 50% of all cases.
Hospice Care
The Staff at St. Theresa’s Nursing Home are dedicated to providing the best possible care for your relative/friend/partner and yourself in a homely environment at this time. We aim to provide care that respects the dignity, privacy, choices, and confidentiality of each Resident and his/her family.
We work closely with Palliative care services within the community.
Should you have any questions, you can contact us at any time and we will assist you at this difficult time.
Dementia Care
At St. Theresa's Nursing Home we offer a person centred approach to care and our trained staff work with Residents and their families to ensure that all needs are met.
For those living with dementia St. Theresa's Nursing Home provides a safe and secure environment within which they can continue to live a happy and fulfilled life. Our trained staff understand and work with Residents who have dementia by ensuring that contact is maintained with the familiar things of their lives and that they are always comfortable in their surroundings and their community.
We also provide respite care services, for carers who would wish to avail of this.
Respite Care
At St. Theresa's Nursing Home, we offer a range of short term respite care for people that do not require long stay or permanent admission to a nursing home. Our respite care service provides temporary relief to caregivers, whether you need to take a little break, a holiday or a rest.
Respite services are available to support an individual’s ability to live longer in the community by ensuring family/other caregivers are supported.
St. Theresa's Nursing Home is a 35 Bed Nursing Home consisting of single and double rooms(some en-suite).
It is decorated in a way that makes you feel like you are at home with a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.
All rooms have emergency nurse call systems, up-to date beds, healthcare aids, access to private telephone, televisions and are wheelchair accessible.
We have a separate sitting room for relaxation or activities.
There is a large and bright dining room for breakfasts, lunches and dinners. You may also have your meals in your room if you wish.
We also have a visitor's room for you to use at your leisure when you have family and friends coming to visit.
If you are thinking of coming to stay with us, please do not hesitate to contact us where we can show you around and answer any questions you may have.


Település Thurles
Utca / házszám Dublin Road Thurles
Telefonszám +35350422246
Telefonszám ---
Alkategóriák Convalescent Care, Dementia Care, High Dependency Care, Long term service, Palliative Care, Post Operative care, Respite Care, Step-down Care
Beruházást tervez az idősellátás szektorban? Ismeretlen a terület? Megalapozottan szeretne dönteni? Beruházás döntés-előkészítő tanulmány, üzleti terv.
  • Specifikus üzleti és gazdasági információk biztosítása
  • Üzleti partnerkeresés és közvetítés
  • Cégre szabott befektetési tanácsadás
  • Üzleti kultúrához kapcsolódó tanácsadás
  • Ügyfélmenedzsment
  • Pályázatokkal kapcsolatos tanácsadás
  • Kapcsolatok állami- és közigazgatási szervek felé
  • Kapcsolatok szakmai szervezetek és szövetségek felé
  • tanácsadás a szociális ellátórendszer szektoraihoz
  • magán egészségügyi részlegek kialakításának alapjai az idősellátásban
  • az idősellátásban dolgozó szakember képzésben való részvétel
  • Cégalapítási tanácsadás
  • Jogi tanácsadás és képviselet biztosítási
  • Pénzügyi szolgáltató választás tanácsadása
  • Pénzügyi és számviteli tanácsadás és szolgáltatás biztosítása
  • Cégképviselet infrastruktúrájának kiválasztása és biztosítása
  • Cégalapítás esetén HR folyamat biztosítása, menedzsment és munkavállalói szinten
  • Projektek szakmai előkészítésében és lebonyolításában tanácsadás, igény esetén komplett bonyolítás
  • minőségügyi rendszerek kidolgozásának előkészítése
  • mindenkori hatályos jogszabályok ismeretének adaptálása a létesítendő intézményhez

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Berecz István


Ambrosia Haus Nyugdíjas Apartmanház


BEFEKTETŐKNEK 500M HUF-tól Gyors megtérüléssel.

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