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Berecz István


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St Lazerian's House Bagnelstown

Ápolási otthon (Írország)Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez


The Objectives of the group are to provide full time residential care for twenty older persons.
In June 1987 Bagenalstown District Hospital closed because of Government cut backs. For the following fifteen months Rev.Frs.E.Dowling,.J.O’Leary and Canon Gamble, along with some other locals went on a campaign rallying support for the renovation and reopening of the old hospital as a residential home for older people of the community and in September 1988 the doors of what was once the old hospital re-opened under the new name of St.Lazerian’s House. The House caters for older persons of seven parishes, Bagenalstown, Paulstown, Goresbridge, Borris,Leighlinbridge, Myshall, St.Mullins,Clonegal & the Dunleckney group of
parishes. The House is non denominational and the religious beliefs of all are catered for and respected.
On August 22nd 1988, Three Mercy Sisters, Sr.Mary Walsh (St.Leo’s, Carlow), Sr.Martha Hartigan (Naas) and Sr.Paul O’Donovan (Naas) with kind permission of Sister Brigid their Superior General arrived in St.Lazerian’s House to begin
their new life and after some cleaning and sorting the doors opened to the first residents to arrive on 5th September ‘88. By the time of the Official Opening (September 29th) there were six residents and by Christmas of that year there was a total of fourteen elderly residents settled into their new home. The sleeping accommodation at that time comprised of re-decorated old wards two
large and one small, which meant that there were at least six people to each of the two larger rooms.
The everyday work was carried out by a great number of volunteers from the community and in November 1988 the very first Fas SES Scheme started with a total of four workers, working 21\2 days per week. With the help of a Parish
Draw and Dept.of Health lottery grant a new extension was built to provide better sleeping accommodation i.e. ten single and five double rooms. The new extension was officially opened on 25th May 1990 to the delight of everyone.
Once again Fas came to the rescue providing more workers on the SES and also providing a Teamwork Scheme and Employment Incentive Scheme.
More renovations were needed to improve services and provide Day Care facilities for older persons who were not in need of residential care but in need of stimulation outside their own home. The two large wards, which were once the
bedrooms, were converted into a Day Care Center and Sitting Room and so began the preparations for the third official opening of St.Lazerian’s House, which took place in June 1992. The Day Care Center opened in September 1992 and day
care facilities such as, morning tea, dinner, afternoon tea, craft work, knitting, sewing, crochet, bingo, dancing, chiropody, hairdressing, laundry and bathing are provided every Tuesday and Thursday from 10.30 am to 4.30pm. In October 1995 a new service began – Meals On Wheels for older persons, which are prepared and packed every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday by the House
and delivered by a voluntary group. In 2001 an extra day Wednesday was added to the meals on wheels list. In 1999 more renovations and conversions were needed to provide a safe & healthy workplace and new rooms for Medical treatments,hairdressing, chiropody, laundry and washrooms for veg. etc.
On the 12th June 2004 a plague and photograph in memory of Fr.Dowling was unveiled and the current sitting room was named the Fr.Dowling room in his honour.
The Objectives of the group are to provide full time residential care for twenty older persons and also provide day care services two days per week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) for approximately fifty older persons and also meals on
wheels four days per week to an average of fifteen older persons per day, in and around the community.
In 1988 a committee was formed to consider the best possible way to make use of the old hospital building after it had been closed as a district hospital.
The committee decided to open up a welfare home for older persons of the community as this section was at the time in most need of a service.
The purpose of the mission was to provide sheltered (residential) accommodation for these people.
The constitution was drawn up, laying down the procedures and standards which were to be followed – The main object of St.Lazerian’s House shall be to provide accommodation and support for old people of the area and the surrounding areas who do not require institutional care but who are unable to live independently at home. That the income and property of the body shall be applied solely to the promotion of its objects and shall not be solely to the promotion of its objects and shall not be transferred by dividend or otherwise to members of the body. In the event of the body being wound up that the net assets of the body be transferred to some such other Institution having similar objectives, which also
prohibit the distribution of income and property to its members or to some charitable purpose.
St. Lazerian’s House Ltd provides very high standards in areas such as Hygiene,Safety, Welfare and comfort of Residents, and recognizes the true value of life
itself. The House must be judged on the high standards maintained over a long period while at the same time ensuring the happiness, independence and comfort of the residents for whom the home was provided for.
Our target is to provide a comprehensive service, i.e. residential care, day care and meals on wheels for older persons of our community, which up to now had included seven parishes, the area band has now been widened to cover the S.E.H.B. region. Funding of the house comes from 75% of residents income, Health Board Grants, FAS, Donations and fundraising.


Település Bagnelstown
Utca / házszám Royal Oak Road
Telefonszám +353599721146
Telefonszám Fax: +353599721703
Alkategóriák Day Care, Short term services
Beruházást tervez az idősellátás szektorban? Ismeretlen a terület? Megalapozottan szeretne dönteni? Beruházás döntés-előkészítő tanulmány, üzleti terv.
  • Specifikus üzleti és gazdasági információk biztosítása
  • Üzleti partnerkeresés és közvetítés
  • Cégre szabott befektetési tanácsadás
  • Üzleti kultúrához kapcsolódó tanácsadás
  • Ügyfélmenedzsment
  • Pályázatokkal kapcsolatos tanácsadás
  • Kapcsolatok állami- és közigazgatási szervek felé
  • Kapcsolatok szakmai szervezetek és szövetségek felé
  • tanácsadás a szociális ellátórendszer szektoraihoz
  • magán egészségügyi részlegek kialakításának alapjai az idősellátásban
  • az idősellátásban dolgozó szakember képzésben való részvétel
  • Cégalapítási tanácsadás
  • Jogi tanácsadás és képviselet biztosítási
  • Pénzügyi szolgáltató választás tanácsadása
  • Pénzügyi és számviteli tanácsadás és szolgáltatás biztosítása
  • Cégképviselet infrastruktúrájának kiválasztása és biztosítása
  • Cégalapítás esetén HR folyamat biztosítása, menedzsment és munkavállalói szinten
  • Projektek szakmai előkészítésében és lebonyolításában tanácsadás, igény esetén komplett bonyolítás
  • minőségügyi rendszerek kidolgozásának előkészítése
  • mindenkori hatályos jogszabályok ismeretének adaptálása a létesítendő intézményhez

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Berecz István


Ambrosia Haus Nyugdíjas Apartmanház


BEFEKTETŐKNEK 500M HUF-tól Gyors megtérüléssel.

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Berecz István