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Berecz István


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Beech Lodge Care Facility Bruree

Ápolási otthon (Írország)Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez


Situated in the village of Bruree, County Limerick, our state-of-the-art care facility offers respite,convalescence(short-term) and long term care.
As a nursing home of superior quality and representing the future of nursing healthcare facilities, our mission is to promote the dignity, individuality and independence of all those in our care. We work together with our residents to achieve their goals and objectives, and we insist on implementing the necessary measures to ensure that the highest standard of physical and emotional well-being is always our priority.
Beech Lodge Care Facility opened its doors in 2002, as a 40-bed nursing home. This was the first nursing home in Bruree and owners Anne Maria and James Moore welcomed residents from the local area, as well as Kilmallock, Charleville, Kilfinane and beyond.
2009 was a busy year for Beech Lodge, with the opening of the extension which including a secure unit and the 12-house retirement village adjacent to the nursing home. The unit was opened as an Acquired Brain Injury unit, one of the only such facilities in the mid-west.
2012 sees Beech Lodge mark it's 10th year in business. Due to high demand for a secure facility for individuals with Dementia/Alzheimer's in the area, the secure unit's purpose was changed to cater for Dementia and Associated Illnesses.
On 22 July 2012, Anne Maria and James threw a party to celebrate the last decade. Residents, their families and friends joined Beech Lodge team to mark the milestone. Here is to the next 10 years, and beyond!!
We are located in Bruree village, approx 5 miles from Charleville, Co Cork and a 25 minute drive from Limerick city.
From Limerick city: Take the M20 (motorway to Cork). Take exit 4 signposted 'M20 Croom/Cork' and continue on the M20, passing through Banogue, you will then come to O'Rourke's Cross, take the left turn, signposted 'Bruree - 2 km'. Follow the road into the village, crossing the bridge. Beech Lodge is situated at the top of the village on the right-hand side, opposite Dollery's Garage.
From Charleville: Take the M20 out of Charleville, towards Limerick. When approaching O'Rourke's Cross, take a right turn. Follow the road into the village, crossing the bridge. Beech Lodge is situated at the top of the village on the right-hand side, opposite Dollery's Garage.
Our residents are very important to us and we at Beech Lodge want to ensure that they are kept active and that our activities are purposeful for each individual.Most importantly, our residents shall have fun. Because of that our activities coordinators are strongly willed and highly motivated to create excellent entertainment to suit the needs of all our residents through activities schedules.
On admission our care staff and activities coordinators speak to residents about their interests and this feedback is incorporated into the schedule.
On a weekly basis, our residents can participate in the following activities:
  • SONAS Group and SONAS Sims Sessions
  • Music Therapy each Tuesday
  • Rosary Group
  • Newspaper Group
  • Baking
  • Game Tournaments
  • Reminiscence group
  • Doll Therapy
  • Gardening (Summer Months))
  • Saturday Party Trolley
  • Outings in our mini-bus
  • Exercise Group with our Physiotherapist
  • Walking Club with our Physiotherapist
  • Life stories
  • Live music every Thursday
  • DVD Afternoons
  • Mass in-house each Friday
  • Hairdresser service
  • Bingo
  • Carpet Bowls with our Physiotherapist
  • Animal Therapy with our Rhode Island Hens
  • Beauty Care/Hand Massages
  • Library Bus service once a month
Suggestions from residents and their families on new activities or suggestions for outings are welcomed at any time.
Each resident's birthday is marked with a party and a home-made birthday cake.
Each resident's birthday is celebrated with a special party and a home-made birthday cake fresh from our kitchen.
Beech Lodge throws two main events each year for residents and their families; this include our annual summer party and our Christmas party.
Our residents also celebrate Halloween, Easter, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day and St. Patrick's Day with a themed party. Photos from these events can be seen on our Facebook page.
In any case, we respect our resident's right to privacy and having time alone, though if they have the longing to see or phone someone, any time. They have also free choice about which activities they want to take part in and even if they just wish to sit out in one of our sitting rooms or in the enclosed gardens they are most welcome to do so.
Our dedicated kitchen staff cater for all dietary requirements and preferences. Our menu is developed with the assistance of our dietician.
Every meal (Breakfast, Lunch and Supper) is made freshly on-site each day.
Scones, breads and cakes are baked daily by our qualified chef.
Meal Times
7am-8am: Bedrooms
9am-10.30am: Dining Room
Soup, Scones & Tea: 10.30am Bedrooms, Dome and Dining Room
12pm: Bedrooms & Dining Room
12.30pm: Dining Room
Afternoon Tea & Snacks: 2.30pm: Bedrooms, Dome and Dining Room
4.30pm: Bedrooms & Dining Room
5pm: Dining Room
Evening Tea & Sandwiches
7.45pm: Bedrooms, Dome and Dining Room
Tea, Toast & Variety of Beverages
10pm: Bedrooms, Dome and Dining Room
(These times are by choice of the resident. Earlier and later meal times can be accommodated.)
Social Life
Our residents' social life is very important to us. We encourage visitors to come and chat with our residents, there are no set visiting hours. This is a great way for residents to keep up-to-date with what is going on in their local community.
Equally, we strive to ensure that residents enjoy their lives at Beech Lodge.
Our residents' interests are taken into account by the activities co-ordinator when devising our activities programme.
Residents choose locations for outings at their monthly resident meetings and all suggestions made at these meetings are taken on board.
Our weekly live music session with Charlie Reynolds is always a popular choice, and we usually need extra chairs in the dome area when Charlie is playing!
EVERY resident's birthday is celebrated with a party and a home-made cake and family members and friends are encouraged to attend.
We also hold large parties every year for Christmas (with special guest Santa Claus), Easter (featuring the Easter bunny), St Patrick's Day, Hallowe'en, and a summer barbeque. Residents and their families are always welcome to attend all of these events at Beech Lodge.
Residents Committee
Our residents' committee meet monthly to discuss all aspects of life at Beech Lodge Care Facility.
All residents are encouraged to attend the meeting which takes place on the first Tuesday of the month at 2pm.
The meeting is facilitated by our senior carer and activities co-ordinator. Minutes of the meeting are reviewed by the Director of Care and are displayed in the main reception area.
Should a resident have a private query, they can speak to a member of the management team at any time.
We also hold Resident Representative Committee Meetings three times a year to provide residents' families and friends with a forum to discuss all matters in Beech Lodge.
Other Services
Services by appointment
The following specialists are available by appointment in-house:
  • Chiropody
  • Reflexology
  • Optician
  • Dietician
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Dentist
  • Tissue Viability Nurse
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Audiology
  • Pharmacy
  • Our pharmacy deliver medications for the residents on a daily basis
Beech Lodge Care Facility's in-house mini-bus is available to take residents on outings to local attractions, shopping trips or to appointments if residents are unable to arrange their own transport. The mini-bus has a capacity of seven including one space for a wheelchair.
Weekly Mass
Mass is celebrated weekly in-house by local parish priest Fr Des McAuliffe. All are welcome to attend mass in our dome area each Friday at 3pm.
Residents' laundry is washed and dried on-site, for no extra charge.
Elderly Care
As a nursing home of superior quality, our mission is to promote the dignity, individuality and independence of all those in our care.
Our dedicated and committed care team provide the highest quality of professional care in a safe and friendly environment.
Our elderly care area is a bright, welcoming space featuring an large open area known as 'the dome' where activities and live music take place.
Each room is en-suite with a nurse call bell, electronically-adjusted orthopaedic bed and flatscreen TV.
Elderly care residents have access to a landscaped enclosed garden where they can sit out, do some gardening and enjoy a breath of fresh air, and some occasional sunshine!
We provide both long-term care and short-term (respite/convalescence) care in our elderly care unit.
Dementia Unit
This newly opened secure facility caters for residents with Alzheimer's/Dementia and associated illnesses.
Our dedicated multi-disciplinary team ensure that our residents dignity and right to choose is exercised daily, no matter what their diagnosis.
The spacious 21-bed unit includes a nurses' station, a dining room, physiotherapy & gym department, large activities area, music room, coffee dock, an enclosed garden and internet cafe.
There is a dedicated activities programme for residents of the unit, designed by our SONAS-trained activities co-ordinator to stimulate and entertain our residents.
Residents of the unit have access to an enclosed garden, where they can partake in organised outdoor activities such as gardening, or simply to sit out and enjoy the fresh air!
Independent Living
Our luxury bungalows are available to rent at competitive prices. The one and two-bed houses are ideal for individuals who wish to remain independent, with the security of having healthcare professionals at the touch of a button 24/7.
The houses are newly-built and well insulated. They are available furnished or unfurnished.
Features include:
  • Gas heating
  • CCTV system in plac
  • Maintenance man on duty
  • Weekly housekeeping visit
  • Weekly refuse collection
  • Access to the adjacent nursing home's activities
  • Home-made meals (at an additional cost)
Day Care
Beech Lodge Care Facility is extending their services in 2013 and will open their doors to a new day care service.
This service will include organised activities and a home-cooked meal.
Number of beds:66
Single Rooms with bathroom en-suite:48
Double Rooms with bathroom en-suite:9
Overnight facility for visitors if required
Room temperature can be controlled on a room by room basis
Residents can have some personal items of furniture and furnishings
Ability to choose own bed times
Residential couples can be accommodated together
Visiting spouses can stay overnight
Resident single rooms have lockable doors
All resident rooms have an emergency call system


Település Bruree
Utca / házszám Bruree
Telefonszám +3536390522
Telefonszám Fax: +3536390589
Alkategóriák Convalescent Care, Dementia Care, Day Care, Long term service, Respite Care
Beruházást tervez az idősellátás szektorban? Ismeretlen a terület? Megalapozottan szeretne dönteni? Beruházás döntés-előkészítő tanulmány, üzleti terv.
  • Specifikus üzleti és gazdasági információk biztosítása
  • Üzleti partnerkeresés és közvetítés
  • Cégre szabott befektetési tanácsadás
  • Üzleti kultúrához kapcsolódó tanácsadás
  • Ügyfélmenedzsment
  • Pályázatokkal kapcsolatos tanácsadás
  • Kapcsolatok állami- és közigazgatási szervek felé
  • Kapcsolatok szakmai szervezetek és szövetségek felé
  • tanácsadás a szociális ellátórendszer szektoraihoz
  • magán egészségügyi részlegek kialakításának alapjai az idősellátásban
  • az idősellátásban dolgozó szakember képzésben való részvétel
  • Cégalapítási tanácsadás
  • Jogi tanácsadás és képviselet biztosítási
  • Pénzügyi szolgáltató választás tanácsadása
  • Pénzügyi és számviteli tanácsadás és szolgáltatás biztosítása
  • Cégképviselet infrastruktúrájának kiválasztása és biztosítása
  • Cégalapítás esetén HR folyamat biztosítása, menedzsment és munkavállalói szinten
  • Projektek szakmai előkészítésében és lebonyolításában tanácsadás, igény esetén komplett bonyolítás
  • minőségügyi rendszerek kidolgozásának előkészítése
  • mindenkori hatályos jogszabályok ismeretének adaptálása a létesítendő intézményhez

Eladó idősek otthona!

Keresünk és kínálunk

Megbízóink diszkrét megbízása alapján évek óta teljes kihasználtsággal működő, azonnali bevételt garantáló intézményeket kínálunk az ország több pontján. Az intézményeket csak megkeresésre tudjuk bemutatni!

A nem publikusan hirdetett intézményekkel kapcsolatban kérjük, hogy a lenti e-mail címen vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot!

Berecz István


Ambrosia Haus Nyugdíjas Apartmanház


BEFEKTETŐKNEK 500M HUF-tól Gyors megtérüléssel.

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Berecz István