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Berecz István


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Abbeylands Nursing Home Carhoo

Ápolási otthon (Írország)Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez


Abbeylands Nursing home is managed by Kevin Regan Director of Abbeylands Nursing Home.
Abbeylands Nursing home is managed by Kevin Regan Director of Abbeylands Nursing Home, who is the Registered Provider along with Seamus Lynam the General Manager and Joys George our Director of Nursing and the Person in Charge.
The Management Team of Kevin, Seamus and Joys ensure that Abbeylands Nursing Home is run in accordance with the Health Act 2007 requirements and the HIQA (2009) regulations as a minimum standard, we strive to exceed the regulatory standards and to this end our HIQA inspection reports are available from the HIQA web-site for your information.
The Management team are ably assisted by a Clinical Nurse Manager and our team of registered Nurses along with the back up of our professionally qualified care assistants.
We have a specialist team of Cleaning Staff led by Mary Butler along with our Laundry and Housekeeping team led by Margaret Fitzgerald, these teams have been in place since our doors opened in 2005 and they continue to provide services for our residents to the highest standards.
We have a dedicated Activities Co-ordinator to ensure the leisure needs of all our residents are catered for. Orlath Murphy is a Graduate of Tralee Institute of Technology in the specialist area of Health Fitness and Leisure studies.
All our Bedrooms are en-suite modern style rooms with bedside lockers and robes providing ample storage for residents’ belongings and affording the Resident of security and privacy in their room. All rooms have multi-channel remote Televisions. We provide a nurse call button system should the resident require some additional attention without having to leave the room.
Should Residents wish to socialize we have a number of Residents lounges offering a number of Activities along with communal Televisions. We also have two libraries for those who wish to have some alternative to the livelier lounge rooms.
We are fortunate in the location of Abbeylands as we are blessed with over five acres of Gardens tastefully landscaped and set out in lawns, which Residents can enjoy at any time of the year. We have two landscaped internal courtyard gardens with ample seating for those who wish to take some time in the sheltered garden areas. We have a number of patio areas both internal and external for those long summer days.
We have two dining rooms where meals can be enjoyed in a social setting; alternatively our professional staff can have your meals delivered to your room for your convenience.
We have a specialist physiotherapy room, a dedicated Gymnasium and separate relaxation therapy room. Special needs for Physiotherapy can be arranged through our consultant Therapist who will work in tandem with the Residents primary physician.
We have a fully equipped hairdressing salon with our Professional Hairdresser on site for a day each week, special arrangements outside of these days can also be arranged and easily accommodated. We provide free telephone facilities for our residents who can avail of a number of public phones throughout the home or take any number of out mobile sets to their room should they wish to have more privacy. We provide kitchen facilities 24 hours a day should any of the Residents wish to have some light snacks or refreshments outside of meal times, our Care team are only to pleased to assist in this area.
We have our dedicated GP Dr. Jack Griffin on standby 24hrs a day. We also facilitate any Family Doctor of the Resident should they wish to retain the services of the Family GP they are familiar with.
We provide a free personal laundry service, along with Newspapers delivered daily of the residents’ choice. We have a regular Taxi for trips and these can be organized to suit each Resident where required.
We have a dedicated smoking lounge, as the remainder of the home is smoke free.
We offer pastoral care of all faiths and Weekly mass is held in our church each Saturday. Local people, Residents and members of Residents families attend this service. Visitors are welcome to park on site as we have ample free parking to the front of the Home
We are always striving to provide all the facilities we feel our residents wish for. We are however always looking to improve the facilities and services we offer. With this in mind we would be delighted to discuss any changes or improvements you feel would make your stay more pleasant.
We at Abbeylands Nursing Home take particular pride in the level of Activities we make available for our Residents. We have a dedicated and professional Activities Coordinator who is on hand to cater for the needs of our Residents. We constantly review our menu of Activities in consultation with our residents to ensure all interests are catered for. Some of our Activities are listed below and are under constant review to cater for new residents.
  • Live traditional Music nights
  • Reflexology
  • Exercise Classes
  • Dancing
  • Bingo
  • Cinema Nights
  • Cards
  • Pet Therapy
  • Arts & Crafts activity & Classes
  • Baking Classes
  • Canvass Painting classes
  • Weekly mass in our Church
  • Monthly Confession and Pastoral care
  • A variety of Day trips
  • Day care outings to the local day care facility in the village
  • Gardening
  • Drama nights
  • Mobile Library service (monthly)
  • Fit for Life Classes (twice weekly)
  • Pastoral Care for all religions
Professionally cooked balanced meals inclusive of fresh fruit and vegetables are provided daily. Our professional Kitchen Staff ensure that all tastes are accommodated for our Residents. Our menus are a La Carte and offer all Residents a varied diet which ensures the nutritional requirements of all residents are met.
Where residents have special dietry requirements our Chef’s will ensure that these requirements are catered for.
Residential Care
Residential care is suitable for those who are finding it difficult to cope at home by themselves or for those who are cared for at home but may require more help than their carer is able to provide. We provide Residents with accommodation, professional cooked balanced meals and attentive personal care, including assistance where required with everyday routines such as bathing and dressing.
The Professional Team at Abbeylands facilitate the social aspects of life for the elderly within the home. All Residents will be able to enjoy the company of others; can participate in any number of organized activities designed with all tastes and pastimes in mind. We have a dedicated Activities Coordinator on site to ensure all individual needs in this area are met.
Our Home is Registered through HIQA with the HSE and has VHI, Quinn Healthcare and Aviva insurance cover approval.
Respite Care
The Team at Abbeylands provides respite care for Residents and their Families. We recognize the pressures sometimes felt by the home Carer in looking after a relative. We welcome Residents for short stays to allow them to recover from a period in Hospital or in some instances to allow the Carer a break or an opportunity to take a Vacation.
Such stays are designed with both the Resident and the Family in mind allowing much needed respite from the pressure of caring for a relative full time. Our facilities and professional team are on hand to deliver the best Care for your relative safe in the knowledge that our experience in Respite care provision in second to none. We provide this service to a number of Residents who are pleased to return to us on regular visits throughout the year.
Should you wish to avail of this service we would recommend you contact our Team in advance to ensure the desired dates for Respite care can be facilitated to suit your requirements.
Alzheimer Care
Dementia and dementia-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s are an ever-increasing problem for older people. These conditions can bring additional pressures to Families and those who care for the person with the related condition as the best care for their relative is constantly being strived for.
Our Residents, who live with such conditions, are cared for by our Specialist Team and Director of Nursing through regular assessment of their needs. Our Medical Doctor Dr. Griffin works closely with our Team to ensure that every aspect of care required for your relative is delivered in a caring and efficient manner. Our Medical Team are more than happy to work with your Family Doctor should you wish to have your Family Doctor offer the Continuation of Care your relative would have had prior to residing with us at Abbeylands. The care provided in these circumstances is focused on improving the quality of life of our residents and this is achieved through close liaison with the Medical Professionals and Families concerned.
Our specialist Alzheimer unit known as the Lee Suite is located in a dedicated wing of the nursing home. The interior of this unit is designed specifically for the specialist care requirements of the Residents condition. We have a dedicated residents lounge, dining room, outside patios, gardens and seating areas exclusivle for the residents of the Lee Suite.
Our Specialist Suite provides numerous services for our Residents that include but are not limited to the following:
Day care facilities provided for Alzheimer patients
Various programmes of mental and physical stimulation for Alzheimer’s sufferers including quizzes, music, Art, and bakery classes.
Weekly traditional music sessions.
Exercise and Physiotherapy with our external consultants twice weekly or be special arrangement where more intensive treatment in required.
Reminiscence therapy
Sonas specialist active therapy with our in house trained team.
A variety of day trips away from the Home in supervised outings.
Spiritual services, kindly provided by our local Parish Priest and Curate
Convalescent Care
Following treatment in hospital it is often necessary to spend a further period recovering in a less intensive environment. This is particularly so following surgery, major illnesses or accidents. When this recovery period requires ongoing medical monitoring or treatment we at Abbeylands are best placed to provide first-rate care at our custom built home.
Should you wish to avail of this “step down” option we would be pleased to accommodate your needs and wishes. Our Professional Team will provide round the clock on call nursing care and treatments appropriate to your condition. Our Director of Nursing will liaise with your GP or Consultant to ensure that your medication, physiotherapy and medical care are administered in the appropriate fashion to meet your needs and requirements.
Our private en-suite rooms are fully equipped to allow you to deal with any immobility problems you may have following your illness.
Our professional kitchen staff are on hand to provide you with all the recommended dietary needs you may have, we will tailor your meals to suit you and your medical team during this time.
Hospice Care
Hospice care at Abbeylands is a compassionate approach to caring for those who are faced with a life-limiting illness. Abbeylands Hospice Care provides our Residents and their families with supportive services that endeavor to offer the Resident the best quality of life available whilst respecting our Residents dignity. We provide emotional and medical support and expertise to both our Residents and their Families.
We offer a team approach to caring for our Residents and their Families in these difficult situations. Our Director of Nursing and team of Registered Nursing Staff are assigned to educate patient and family, offer family support services and coordinate all services reasonable and necessary to patient’s continuing care. Our professional medical team works closely with the patient’s physician to ensure that the Resident receives the best care possible.
An attending physician participates in the Plan of Care along with our Director of Nursing. Our specialist Care Assistants provide the personal care and assistance required to ensure all the activities of daily living, feeding and bathing or other special requirements of the Resident are met and exceeded.
A grief and bereavement counselor can be made available where required for assistance in dealing with what can be a traumatic situation for both Resident and Family members alike.
We offer private and semi private room facilities finished and decorated to the highest standard. Residents’ own rooms cater for the personal care and comfort required.
  • En-suite amenities
  • Emergency Nurse Call
  • Private Telephone
  • Satellite Television
  • Wheelchair access
You’ll find your room complete with a bed, wardrobe and other lockable furniture. All rooms have a television point, so if you prefer to watch your favorite programmes on your own, you can. All our bedrooms have a nurse call system, so you can feel safe at all times. We respect that some residents desire personal space and time and our Care team will always respect such wishes. With the personal space and facilities within your room you can really make it a home from home.
Do not forget the lounges, for when you fancy a bit of company, and this includes a separate smoking area. We also have a fully stocked library where patients can choose a book or read their newspapers.


Település Carhoo
Utca / házszám Kildorrery
Telefonszám +3532225090
Telefonszám Fax: +3532225091
Alkategóriák Alzheimer's, Convalescent Care, Respite Care
Beruházást tervez az idősellátás szektorban? Ismeretlen a terület? Megalapozottan szeretne dönteni? Beruházás döntés-előkészítő tanulmány, üzleti terv.
  • Specifikus üzleti és gazdasági információk biztosítása
  • Üzleti partnerkeresés és közvetítés
  • Cégre szabott befektetési tanácsadás
  • Üzleti kultúrához kapcsolódó tanácsadás
  • Ügyfélmenedzsment
  • Pályázatokkal kapcsolatos tanácsadás
  • Kapcsolatok állami- és közigazgatási szervek felé
  • Kapcsolatok szakmai szervezetek és szövetségek felé
  • tanácsadás a szociális ellátórendszer szektoraihoz
  • magán egészségügyi részlegek kialakításának alapjai az idősellátásban
  • az idősellátásban dolgozó szakember képzésben való részvétel
  • Cégalapítási tanácsadás
  • Jogi tanácsadás és képviselet biztosítási
  • Pénzügyi szolgáltató választás tanácsadása
  • Pénzügyi és számviteli tanácsadás és szolgáltatás biztosítása
  • Cégképviselet infrastruktúrájának kiválasztása és biztosítása
  • Cégalapítás esetén HR folyamat biztosítása, menedzsment és munkavállalói szinten
  • Projektek szakmai előkészítésében és lebonyolításában tanácsadás, igény esetén komplett bonyolítás
  • minőségügyi rendszerek kidolgozásának előkészítése
  • mindenkori hatályos jogszabályok ismeretének adaptálása a létesítendő intézményhez

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Berecz István


Ambrosia Haus Nyugdíjas Apartmanház


BEFEKTETŐKNEK 500M HUF-tól Gyors megtérüléssel.

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Berecz István