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Berecz István


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The Cottage Mold

Ápolási otthon (Egyesült Királyság)Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez


The nursing home is situated in a pleasant residential area in the market town of Mold.
Originally the Cottage was a private school and Mendelssohn is reputed to have stayed at the school for one night. The Home is set in spacious grounds, which include an internal courtyard patio and an extensive landscaped garden. The Home welcomes both male & female residents of 65 years of age and over.
The original building has been extensively altered and rebuilt whilst the character features remain. The most up-to-date facilities are available in a homely and friendly environment.
The Cottage is registered with the “Care Standards Inspectorate for Wales” as a Care Home providing long and short term nursing care, respite stays and day care. The Home provides care for people with physical disability, sensory impairment etc. but cannot provide mental health care.
The Home is on the approved provider list of both Flintshire and Cheshire Social Services, they carry out contract monitoring visits at least once per year. The Home is a member of Care Forum Wales, The Registered Nursing Home Association and North Wales Care Association.
The Home adopts a bi-lingual policy – Welsh and English. We endeavour to make our residents as comfortable and relaxed as possible by communicating with them, where possible, in their mother tongue.
Residents' Social Activities
The Home has an extensive programme of Social Activities to suit all residents irrespective of their ability or disability. It is known that people who receive regular stimulation fare better in both physical health and in their sense of personal well being than those for whom no such facility is available.
Additional and specially qualified staff are employed to help the residents enjoy interests and activity etc. in order to improve their quality of life. Various activities are organised to suit each individual Resident.
The following are examples of the activities residents may enjoy:
  • Beauty therapy
  • Flower arranging
  • Handicrafts
  • Outings
  • Knitting, sewing
  • Games (eg. skittles, cards, scrabble, quiz)
  • Reminiscence
  • Discussions
  • Singsongs
We routinely elicit the views of residents regarding the various activities and they are encouraged to persue old and new interests both as individuals and as a group. Where possible residents are also involved in the organising and arranging of some activities e.g. fairs, sales-of-work etc.
Daily Activities:
  • Chatting to individual residents
  • Going for walks
  • Painting and Manicuring finger nails
  • Playing games
  • Armchair Exercises
  • Reading letters/magazines/newspapers
  • Helping to choose Library books etc.
In-house concerts or visits to a local venue take place on a monthly basis
All outings are geared to residents’ needs and capabilities. The Home has an arrangement with a local Coach Hire Company, some examples of outings are listed below:
  • Drive around the countryside
  • Afternoon Tea at a Hotel or Private House
  • Visit to a Garden Centre
  • Visit to a Museum
  • Visit to a Circus, Pantomime or Play
  • A coach trip to a seaside resort
  • Visit a local market or event
Other Activities:
Many of our activities are held at our award winning gardens, examples of which are as shown below:
  • Daily activities as per the monthly activities calendar
  • Open Garden Day, in conjunction with “The National Gardens Scheme Charitable Trust”
  • Garden Fetes and summer family barbecues
  • Bonfire celebrations
Residents may attend religious services either within or outside the Home as they so desire. When attending services outside the Home the resident should, where necessary and possible, arrange for transport and accompaniment with friends or relatives. Where this is not possible and if staffing levels permit care staff may accompany residents on specific occasions.
Residents have the right to meet clergy of their chosen denomination at any time, if required a private room will be made available for such meetings.
Monthly Communion Services are arranged for all denominations and residents’ family and friends are always welcomed to join in. Should any resident wish to have a private communion service, that can be arranged.
The philosophy of care at the Cottage Nursing Home starts with the premise that the care given should be of the standard that we would wish for our own parents. The Cottage aims to provide its residents with a secure, relaxed, and homely environment in which their care, well-being and comfort are of prime importance.
Carers strive to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality and privacy of all residents within a warm and caring atmosphere, and in so doing are sensitive to the resident’s ever-changing needs. Such needs may be medical/therapeutic (for physical and mental welfare), cultural, psychological, spiritual, emotional and social, and residents are encouraged to participate in the development of their personal Care Plans. Formal reviews of the Care Plans are carried out at least once per annum or sooner in the event of a significant change in the resident’s needs, members of the family and/or friends are involved where appropriate.
Programmes of activities are designed to encourage mental alertness, self- esteem, and social interaction with other residents and with recognition of the following core values of care which are fundamental to the philosophy of our Home:
All Care Staff within the Home are appropriately qualified to deliver the highest standards of care. A continuous staff-training programme is implemented to ensure that these high standards are maintained in line with the latest developments in Care Practices as may be laid down in Legislation, Regulations and the National Care Standards.
Aims & Objectives
The Aims and Objectives set out below are the basis by which the Home measures the achievement of providing a high quality of life for the residents.
These are reviewed annually and the results recorded and filed.
The Aims and Objectives are:
  • To provide an environment in which the resident can live with dignity, have the respect of those who support them and be entitled to live as full and active a life as possible.
  • To give due regard to the sex, sexual orientation, racial origin, cultural, linguistic background and any disability of the residents.
  • To give the highest standard of nursing and social care
  • To provide a “home from home” and safe environment.
  • To provide for religious and cultural observance, both dietary and ritual.
  • To maintain close links with their families and communities.
  • To develop an atmosphere within the Home which will encourage residents to practise self-determination.
  • To provide various social activities both within and outside the Home.
Registered Care Categories:
  • Old Age
Languages Spoken by Staff (other than English):
  • Welsh
The home has 21 single bedrooms (9 with en-suite facilities) and 10 double rooms. The average room areas are; Single Bed from 9.42 to 10.95sq.m, Single Bed En-Suite from 11.29 to 15.12sq.m. & Double Bed from 14.93 to 21.34sq.m.
Downstairs: 4 Single Bedrooms, 1 Single En-Suite Bedroom, 5 Double Bedrooms.
Upstairs: 8 Single Bedrooms, 8 Single En-Suite Bedrooms, 5 Double Bedrooms.
There are two lounges and dining areas, all centrally heated. Residents are encouraged to use these public rooms; however, residents who choose to stay in their own rooms may of course do so.


Település Mold
Utca / házszám 54 Hendy Road
Telefonszám +441352753600
Telefonszám Fax: +441352755370
Alkategóriák Convalescent Care, Day Care, Old Age, Palliative Care, Privat, Physiotherapy, Respite Care
Beruházást tervez az idősellátás szektorban? Ismeretlen a terület? Megalapozottan szeretne dönteni? Beruházás döntés-előkészítő tanulmány, üzleti terv.
  • Specifikus üzleti és gazdasági információk biztosítása
  • Üzleti partnerkeresés és közvetítés
  • Cégre szabott befektetési tanácsadás
  • Üzleti kultúrához kapcsolódó tanácsadás
  • Ügyfélmenedzsment
  • Pályázatokkal kapcsolatos tanácsadás
  • Kapcsolatok állami- és közigazgatási szervek felé
  • Kapcsolatok szakmai szervezetek és szövetségek felé
  • tanácsadás a szociális ellátórendszer szektoraihoz
  • magán egészségügyi részlegek kialakításának alapjai az idősellátásban
  • az idősellátásban dolgozó szakember képzésben való részvétel
  • Cégalapítási tanácsadás
  • Jogi tanácsadás és képviselet biztosítási
  • Pénzügyi szolgáltató választás tanácsadása
  • Pénzügyi és számviteli tanácsadás és szolgáltatás biztosítása
  • Cégképviselet infrastruktúrájának kiválasztása és biztosítása
  • Cégalapítás esetén HR folyamat biztosítása, menedzsment és munkavállalói szinten
  • Projektek szakmai előkészítésében és lebonyolításában tanácsadás, igény esetén komplett bonyolítás
  • minőségügyi rendszerek kidolgozásának előkészítése
  • mindenkori hatályos jogszabályok ismeretének adaptálása a létesítendő intézményhez

Eladó idősek otthona!

Keresünk és kínálunk

Megbízóink diszkrét megbízása alapján évek óta teljes kihasználtsággal működő, azonnali bevételt garantáló intézményeket kínálunk az ország több pontján. Az intézményeket csak megkeresésre tudjuk bemutatni!

A nem publikusan hirdetett intézményekkel kapcsolatban kérjük, hogy a lenti e-mail címen vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot!

Berecz István


Ambrosia Haus Nyugdíjas Apartmanház


BEFEKTETŐKNEK 500M HUF-tól Gyors megtérüléssel.

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Berecz István