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Berecz István


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Aras Chois Fharraige An Spidéal

Ápolási otthon (Írország)Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez


The Áras is home to 42 residents, catered for by a care team of 45 nurses, care assistants and other staff.
The home has been awarded the Q-mark for Nursing Homes, the IASI Gold Award and the LAMA Best Private Nursing Home Award. It is also a Sonas Registered Centre for dementia care and an NHI Care Awards Finalist.
The Care Team provide the highest standards of care in an Irish language environment for the elderly people of Cois Fharragie. Residents and their relatives gave the Áras a 100% satisfaction rating in both the 2014 and 2015 client satisfaction surveys.
Every part of the Áras design was thought through to maximise the living experience for residents. This led to the home winning the nationwide LAMA award for best private nursing home shortly after opening.
The inner courtyard offers a safe and sheltered outdoor experience for residents. It is also used for the summer BBQ and Halloween party, as well as music sessions and other events when the weather is suitable.
Three communal doors open onto the courtyard giving residents and visitors easy access from different areas of the home.
Residents have the choice of six different communal areas. Most weekly activities such as bingo, cards, chair-aerobics, ceol, film night etc, take place in the sitting room beside the river.
When more space is needed, such as for theatre groups, larger parties and mass, the Residents' Hall is used. The hall has a separate kitchen and dining area and opens out onto a large roof terrace with spectacular views of Galway Bay.
​One of my favourite places in the home is the sun walkway. This offers views on one side over Galway Bay and on the into the inner courtyard. It is the perfect place to meet relatives and friends, read the paper or just relax and enjoy the beautiful view.
Our activities co-ordinator Katie ensures there is always plenty to do at the Áras!! There is live music every Wednesday, as well as bingo, card tournaments, knitting circle, concerts, pet therapy and many other activities every week.
Other events include the summer Barbecue, regular shows and parties, residents outings and the Spiddal St. Patrick's Day Parade. Last year we won the funniest float trophy!!! You can get more information on these by clicking on the pictures below or by playing the activities video to the right. ​
A study by Professor Ricca Edmondson from NUIG in 2015 praised the Áras as a centre of excellence. Professor Nicole Muller praised the Irish-language ethos of the Home after spending six months in 2014/15 conducting research on a Fulbright scholarship. An activities audit by Sonas in 2015 notes that the Home shows many examples of excellent practise.
All meals are freshly prepared using only the finest locally-sourced ingredients. There are at least two options for each meal. Our chefs are also happy to cater for any individual requests.
Pet therapy
The Home keeps pygmy goats, chickens, the aquarium and a cockatoo. Pet therapy dogs visit the centre every week. Animal Madness bring more exotic animals into the Home during the summer, such as iguanas, eagles and even snakes!!
The Áras was one of the first nursing homes in Ireland to have realised the benefits of pet therapy on physical and mental health. We have also introduced plant therapy: each resident is encouraged to pot a plant which they then tend to and nurture.
Animal Madness returned to the Áras in July! Animal Madness was the local pet shop which operated in Spiddal Village until their recent relocation to Westport, Co. Mayo. The 'Cairde' asked them if they would return to the Áras once again to show us their beautiful animals and they were more than delighted to, even though they had a considerable journey this time. This wonderful event was funded by Cairde Áras Chois Fharraige.
​As the weather was absolutely beautiful, it was decided that this activity would be held in the courtyard. A large number of our residents gathered together for the show at approx 11a.m. As expected, this was a most enjoyable event. A selection of animals were brought around to each resident and they were encouraged to look at and touch the different animals. Small snakes, lizards, a large cockroch, beautiful white and brown rabbits, small tortoises, a hedgehog, a magnificent African owl and a miniature African goat were all brought into the courtyard to be enjoyed by all present. As well as showing the animals to our residents, Animal Madness representative gave descriptions and some information on each animal.
This was a lovely, calming event with most of our residents only too pleased to touch and feel the different animals. Very brave residents indeed! The beautiful weather added tremendously to this event. One of our residents commented and said that it was 'like visiting a zoo abroad'! Another said that it reminded her of her time in Africa. The owl and goat stole the show again this time with lots of 'oohs' and 'aahs' as they were brought into the courtyard. Due to the glorious weather, the goat was without her 'bainín' this time! The owl was very calm on this occassion which allowed all of our residents to stroke it should they wish to.
This was a wonderful event. Somewhat different to our usual events, but that is what made it even more special. It gave our residents another chance to see these wonderful animals up close and personal!
All bedrooms are spacious and have wheelchair accessible en-suites, wall-mounted televisions and phone connection. All bedrooms open onto the enclosed courtyard or have views of Galway Bay, the river or landscaped gardens.
You are invited to personalise your room:if you do not like the colour we will repaint to your taste.
The Home is built around a landscaped central courtyard with a fountain and seating areas.


Település Spiddal
Utca / házszám Pairc
Telefonszám +35391553344
Telefonszám +35391553194
Alkategóriák Long term service, Short term services
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  • mindenkori hatályos jogszabályok ismeretének adaptálása a létesítendő intézményhez

Eladó idősek otthona!

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Berecz István


Ambrosia Haus Nyugdíjas Apartmanház


BEFEKTETŐKNEK 500M HUF-tól Gyors megtérüléssel.

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Berecz István